Reading the Bangkok Post these days is not much fun, especially when one plans to visit the country during the next months. Hijacking planes is bad enough, but two airports? Beg your pardon? They really should sort those things out soon...
For a quick session with various games from the past, just consult this site. All you need is a browser with Java enabled and soon you´ll find yourself back in the ancient worlds of C64, Nintendo 8-bit, Gameboy and Sega Master System. The grafix do look dated in 2008, but we´re here for that old school look and feel. Blasts from the past in the true sense of the word - now hit the controls!
Now as the river dissolves in sea, So neptune has claimed another soul. And so with gods and men The sheep remain inside their pen, Until the shepherd leads his flock away.
The sands of time were eroded by The river of constant change.
As if seizing a huge tank ship and wanting 35 million dollars for it was not enough, now the coffin of a billionaire has been robbed, containing the dead body. Reading that Friedrich Karl Flick´s remains have been stolen from it´s Austrian cemetery makes one wonder, if we will see a wave of neo crimes coming. What could be the next crime, now that bank robbing and stealing expensive cars looks so terribly dated?
We´re waiting for:
Snatching St. Peter´s Cathedral from Rome during the easter weekend.
Abducting a submarine and uploading some vids of LAUNCH BUTTON PRESSING on YouTube.
Covering the moon in black, asking mankind if they ever "want to see his face back".
On a crowded beach washed by the sun, he puts his headphones on. His modern world revolves around the synthesizer's song. Full of future thoughts and thrills, his senses slip away. He's a European legacy, a culture for today.
42 year old politician Lutz Heilmann proceeded against a Wikipedia entry revealing bits of information about his past in East Germany. He obtained on 13.11.2008 that the internet address is no longer connected to Basically just this information is displayed at the German site at the moment and everyone looking for more information has to use this link. Hence has not achieved anything, but makes clear to everyone how he is trying to censor this source of information. What a poor way to reveal that an upbringing in East Germany has left its marks on a politician and MdB, not being able to cope with the basic rights of liberal societies. He won´t stop free speech, he won´t stop freedom of expression.
After ignoring facebook for ages I started to play around with it this week. Indeed I missed a funny chance to get back into touch with old friends abroad, it seems. Found instantly many faces I didn´t see for ten years or so, which is very strange. Especially if you find out they were running around at the same parties and clubs in London or similar. And the odd find-out-who-still-is-in-touch-with-whom works perfectly. Even if oneself lost touch, some other face will know where the missing face is hiding. I can only hope this network is not scrutinised by people from Mars or similar forces...
The Ting Tings played a short but very entertaining show in Cologne last night! Can´t remember seeing such a vivid, funny pop band on stage for quite a long time. Hope they will pass the critical-second-album test and come up with more hummable tunes shortly. Thumbs up for British pop music!
If you are feeling rather bored with the bad weather on a Sunday in autumn , you could visit this site and turn your name into a face. If you don´t know what the use of this procedure might be, I´m on your side. Once you have tried yours and a handful of others, the procedure gets boring. The only half interesting way is producing faces and letting other people guess what names are behind it. But even that has a high nerd factor... You might as well wait for spring and do something useful in between.
Big news, Ultravox will resurface in their 1980s lineup and perform together for the first time since Live Aid in 1985! 14 dates in the UK have been confirmed and will go on sale next week.
Woke up this morning, what did i see A big black cloud hanging over me I switched on the radio and nearly dropped dead The news was so bad that i fell out of bed There was a gas strike, oil strike, lorry strike, bread strike Got to be a superman to survive Gas bills, rent bills, tax bills, phone bills I'm such a wreck but i'm staying alive
Hardly ever I got near an Austrian restaurant in the past. At least if it wasn´t in Austria itself. Gruber´s Restaurant is the exception that happened yesterday and made us want to go back to fine Austrian cuisine.
Located between the centre of Cologne and the zoo area, the restaurant is visited by many business people from the surrounding insurance companies for lunch. So they provide a small but excellent choice for lunch and a menu selection during dinner time. Plus a wide range of Austrian and local wines. The cuisine mixes Austrian elements with Mediterranean ones.
Service, food and drinks are quite good, so we might go back in the future for a full dinner. The pricing is fair, though some of the wines can be expensive by bottle. The place is not too big, so a reservation helps a lot.