Bilderbuch Köln aims to present shots of the various streets of Cologne. You can look up certain areas, your favorite street or interesting topics and grasp a view of the city via the net. Plus everyone is able to load up their personal shots of the city. With more than 26000 shots already online, this could be an interesting site to watch, e.g. when people get their historical pics out.
A short business trip to Istanbul gave me the chance to take a look at this booming town. Caught halfway between tradition and modernity, Europe and Asia it does present an interesting mixture of cultures. Take a look at the city here.
"I am so fortunate to have shared the greatness of man like Larry Levan. His spirit keeps me humble. His knowledge continues to educate me. His love lives. Always!"
(Just gotta get used to it) We all get it in the end (Just gotta get used to it) We go down and we come up again (Just gotta get used to it) You irritate me my friend (This is no social crisis) This is you having fun (No crisis) Getting burned by the sun (This is true) This is no social crisis Just another tricky day for you
The internet is always the place for a surprise. Up to today I didn´t think there was anyone on this planet devoted to those old TV test patterns. Looking at a German news magazine this morning proved me wrong. Herbert Kalser has been collecting shots of those patterns for quite a while and build an archive of around 20.000 now! Looking at his web page brings back some memories of the TV test patterns I remember from my childhood. Because at that time TV wasn´t a multi-channel 24/7 affair, but started in the afternoon and stopped during the night. Which wasn´t such a bad strategy when I look at many trash efforts today...
If you´re short of music and DJ sets in particular, you should pay this site a visit. The list of DJs and events is nearly endless and the servers behind it work quite fast most of the time. Happy beats loading!