Anyone interested in looking at striking images of Earth, should pay attention to this site. Google Earth may have the play-around-with-factor, but the NASA site combines two features: satellite imagery and scientific information. But still I´m waiting for a hi-resolution camera of a military satellite that can be controlled online with a PS2-joy pad...
This is a popular question for many song lyrics, even if your mother tongue is English... Cryptic, metaphorical, bland, autobiographical - lyrics can be all of that and more. Recently I found this site dealing with the analysis and interpretation of songs. Around 400000 lyrics by over 35000 artists have provoked over 1,2 million comments by users so far. The comments can surely turn out cryptic, bland, autobiographical too, but many offer valuable insight in the songs meanings.
"Wishing on a star" springs to mind, when thinking back to our visit in London and eating at the Amaya in Knightsbridge. It wasn´t our first Indian restaurant in London, but simply the best we´ve have been to yet.
This Indian grill restaurant received various awards in the past - including a Michelin Star - and this surely didn´t happen by accident. The atmosphere of the restaurant, the sophisticated preparation and presentation of the dishes plus the classy service is outstanding. Going for one of the tasting menus is a good strategy for this splendid place and will definitely make you want to come back.
By London standards the pricing is fair, as you´ll surely have a very special evening there. It is located a short walk from Hyde Park Corner.
Talking about hyper-regulation, this seems to be the dominant trend ruling Ibiza nowadays. For the last seasons there has been a strict policy of banning the clubbing antics the island got world famous for. At least everyone who has been on the island this year told me so after coming back home. No real after parties, no music at beach bars, hardly a working open air party...the list of changes is endless! Which results in less busy venues, because no one is really shelling out that much money for parties that end two hours after they started going. So let´s wait for the first golf resort developments taking place...
Michael Mayer rocked the Pollerwiesen boat yesterday evening. Two stops were needed to get casualties back to the land, possibly suffering from sea sickness...
I'm a moron, 'n' this is my wife She's frosting a cake With a paper knife All what we got here's American made It's a little bit cheesey, But it's nicely displayed Well we don't get excited when it Crumbles 'n' breaks We just get on the phone And call up some flakes They rush on over 'n' wreck it some more 'n' we are so dumb They're linin' up at our door Well, the toilet went crazy Yersterday afternoon The plumber he says Never flush a tampoon! This great information Cost me half a week's pay And the toilet blew up Later on the next day-ay-eee-ay Blew up the next day Woo-ooo
When clubs become smelly because of the smoking ban, or drinking a can of lager / eating an ice cream on the tube is suddenly a prosecuted no no, we realise how much regulation of life in public spaces does happen these days. The term hyper-regulation, I recently picked up in Britain, sums it up very well.
Where once states like Singapore were pointed out for coming up with harsh reactions to public smoking, littering or similar, we now face a situation where life in western states is moving into the same direction rather fast. This is probably why manifestos like this one are appearing. Of course there is always a good cause behind it (fighting lung cancer, preventing pollution, making public transport a saver place) but still the freedom of people is limited this way, narrowed down at least.
Quite often there seems to be a sort of joy on the side of relevant institutions, to be able to punish these things now. To make money with fines or simply put some more people into the jobs related to these new regulations. One still does wonder, what the next swing of the pendulum will bring... spring 2009! The terrace finally got its new floor and should be ready this week. Sadly temperatures are going down now, so the terrace will not see much action before next spring. Maybe a little ice-rink will do in the winter!
Phases without new posts are related to problems that surfaced while switching from DSL to a fibreglass! We do hope the future speed of internet connections will make up for the hassle...
Sally, take my hand
We'll travel south crossland
Put out the fire
Don't look past my shoulder
The exodus is here
The happy ones are near
Let's get together
Before we get much older
Ever since smoking was prohibited in dance clubs and other nightlife places, a new devil raises its ugly head. No, we are not talking about excessive drinking or drug binges, we are talking about BAD SMELLS. Everyone who has been to a club after smoking was prohibited will have experienced this. Where once cigarette smoke masked all the sweat and other odours a steamy nightclub may come up with, now you have to endure offensive smells. And that´s after you may have parted with some serious money on the door...
Being back at London's Fabric after two years made me realise this again. So one of the next big trends for clubs could investments into masking those smells with certain measures. The old fashioned ravey strawberry fog might do at some venues, but more subtle techniques will be suitable for glitzy venues. The unintended consequences of social action - let´s wait and have a sniff later!