2005 was the year the Republic of Togo had an enor- mous impact on everyday life in Germany. It started during 2003 and 2004 already, but this year it became very appa- rent. Everywhere you went the bakeries, restaurants and other food shops developed a passion for adding the for- mula To go to their adverts, windows and flyers. This cafe in Munich last week reminded me of the hype.
The problem is some shop owners understood this was a magic message which may increase sales, but are not good friends of the English language. So I saw various slogans being reduced to: togo, TOGO, ToGo etc. Suddenly whole slogans appeared, looking like Cafe Togo, KAFFEE auch togo! and the like. Which does sound a fair bit like the cafes being named after this African republic or some kind of exo- tic coffee brand. Could be the German Zum Mitnehmen is out of fashion?