For the digital photographer with an office desk or sideboard there is a brilliant x-mas present around: a Philips Digital Photo Display. I mean besides harassing the world with a photo blog, spending money on photo prints or starting the odd diashow on your PC, what can you do with 1000s of photos? Hidden away on the hard disks, filed on CDs or DVDs - who will ever see these pictures?
Sadly at 200+ Euros the Philips Digital Photo Display is still a bit steep, but I got an unused one from a frustrated old school photographer over eBay, who received it as an un- wanted present just after it came out. And I payed nearly 100 Euros less than the recommended retail price!
It switches itself on at 08.00 in the morning, shortly before I arrive at my desk and reminds me to leave around 18.00 too. The diashow feature works quite well, every half hour I am seeing a new shot. And with an extra 512 MB card, there is enough room for future photos. But most astonishing is the display quality. With my 1-2 MB size pictures one really asks why we should print any pics out...