Best guess is, the pope and his sheep will soon be replaced by massive stories about the Bird Flu rolling over from Russia. Reminds me of the old scare in the late 70s and early 80s: if the Russians want to, their tanks are crossing the Rhine in 48 hours... I´m awaiting detailed statements, if the wet summer will increase chances of the Bird Flu hitting us earlier, later or never at all. And I´m deeply worried if a politician will babble away about not eating chicken any- more, even if the flu does not turn up. Or maybe it´s a fair chance to start nuking North Korea at least? Someone could argue that the oil price will be affected by the bird flu clos- ing in, as the corpses of chicken will have to be transported to cemeteries, hence an increased petrol consumption. I´m sure one of the effects will be the increased price of Chicken Vindaloo on my favourites restaurant menu - shall I order a Mutton Madras instead?