...that Germany is full of regulations and useless restrictions and many people are obeying those rules 24/7. On this weekends boat trip we heard that the party boat was not allowed to cruise river Rhine upwards again, ever since around 50 people living close to it complained about the noise last Sunday.
Hence the boat cruised downstream this Sunday towards Düsseldorf, but I can´t believe how daft some people are. Complaining to authorities when their Sunday afternoon silence is terribly disturbed by a boat with 1000 people going bananas, cheering, having a good time. Especially if one knows how fast that boat is moving, people will hear about less than 10 minutes of music while the boat passes their luxury, little shit house on the riverbank. Mind that a lot of politicians etc. are still living in the area, because they bought their wee little home there when Bonn was the capital of Germany.
However, some pictures of known faces were added to the Boat Rat Pack section.