It´s unbelievable, some spotty girls were still hanging out at the main entrance of the Cologne Hilton today. The local Bouncers looked unhappy after three days of guarding the Lobby. There were less girls than before, but they where still there. But The BBoys have checked around noon out so the last faithful fans have packed it in as well.
Passing the hotel today I saw some female fans leaving the Hilton with bags and trolleys, so they must have lived there for some nights. Is this dedication or is this just being daft? I don´t think the room rates for the Hilton match their pocket money. They didn´t look like groupies, more like school girls with too many posters on their wall. Maybe they exchanged two weeks in Majorca with two nights at the Hilton, but being so much closer to the Backstreet rat pack. Barmy!