Putting on open air events in Germany is even in May a game of it´s own unreliable kind. Seems the Tsunami-aid character of the event didn´t stop heaven to flood it´s gates and even gave us some nasty hail- storm interlude on Saturday afternoon. Leave alone the temperatures... Moreover, the sunny bits in between confused not only us and made setting up the DJ equipment another game of chance. Once put up under an umbrella it started raining AGAIN and left us fleeing down into the bunker, because the umbrella was not waterproof by any means...
Six photographs from the festival site have just been added to the Retrospective 1992 - 2005 section to the left. The photos have been given a very rough treatment with a picture program to enhance the comic-like character of the mobile shots. Especially the strange ants in the garden now seem to have jumped straight out of a computer game. The crashed plane looks stranger than ever, since the recent shower left some sort of fog on the roof. And one picture is no piece of art, but you may find that out by yourself.
The original names of the art objects and the artists will be added during the next days. The master of ceremonies is busy cleaning up the area, I heard. Didn´t count the empty bottles of beer, but I´m sure I saw "some" when I left.